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O'Neill's collection of cars includes powerful designs that match his size as giant as him.

O'Neill's collection of cars includes powerful designs that match his size as giant as him.

O'Neill's collection of cars includes powerful designs that match his size as giant as him.

American basketball legend Shaquille O'Neal, known as Shaq Shaq, this huge man has a huge collection of cars. 

One of the professional basketball stars with an obsession with cars, O'Neill has a 9,500-square-meter orlando property that must have a good number of cars to fill the property.

Dodge Ram 1500

A big man like O'Neill must have a huge pickup truck, and there's nothing better than a Dodge Ram with great appeal. 

O'Neill provided her with 26-inch wings, making her look leaner and more attractive.

Dodge Ram 1500

 It's low-level compared to its other custom cars, but it certainly looks good and is one of the best pick-up trucks available today.

Cadillac Escalade Superman

Cadillac Escalade is known to be one of the largest cars ever manufactured, but O'Neill's customization made it look like it was about to fly to save someone. 

cadillac Escalade superman
With its wing-like scissor doors, the Cadillac Escalade looks lighter and smaller without losing its hardness.

Range Rover Superman

O'Neill is clearly as much a fan of Superman as he is passionate about cars, and this appears in his car collection. 

Range Rover Superman

So much respect for Superman that he wants to pay tribute to him by installing his logo as well as escalade in a Range Rover, which makes us think he's invincible like Superman. 

O'Neill proves superman's logo in his cars to show us that he is one of Superman's biggest fanatics.

GMC Sierra Denali in Gold

Certainly, GMC Sierra Denali is dedicated to O'Neill, who is unlike any other Denali. 

GMC Sierra Denali in gold
Apart from lifting the suspension and rolling it in gold, O'Neill's GMC Sierra Denali also has new wheels that make it look tougher and fiercer on the road.

Shaquille O'Neal Truck

Shaquille O'Neal Truck

O'Neill commissioned the famous West Coast Customs to modify the cars to modify this distinctive truck, where they painted it in black and added red and white writings to resemble the graffiti we see on the walls, and of course add a lot of features on the interior of this truck to become distinctive from the inside and out at the same time.

Lamborghini Gallardo O'Neill

Sports cars usually have very low seats that are difficult to get used to even for middle-sized people. O'Neill is not new to this problem, his Dodge has been modified to fit in. He did the same with his Lamborghini Gallardo because he could not allow his size to prevent him from experiencing driving excitement.

Lamborghini Gallardo O'Neill

Gaffoglio Metalcrafters, a car allocation specialist, was the one who accepted the challenge and completed the project. Where the car was able to customize the size of O'Neill without making the changes very clear to the naked eye.

Dodge Challenger

For a man his size, O'Neill will have difficulty riding some cars, just like his Dodge Challenger.

Dodge Challenger Shaquille O'Neal
O'Neill was able to find a way to overcome this problem, apart from customizing the HEMI Challenger in a way that allowed him to fit comfortably into the interior, O'Neill also installed red LED headlights and the lower glow of CSC Customs.

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